Monday, February 8, 2010

an overview of NFSC

On Friday David Batstone talked the staff thu "What is the Not for Sale Campaign". For the first time ever, I was able to get a glimpse of the much, much bigger picture. So I am posting some of my notes. Sorry if they seem chaotic.

NFSC's goal is to:Equip a movement to design innovative solutions to end slavery

Equip: we are not an expert organization (they refer to other experts all the time, which is amazing! one of their first questions was, where does NFSC fit into the bigger movement? they recognize that they are a part of a much bigger whole. So strengthen the whole, refer to the experts!)

Innovative solutions: How do we create the tools, education, and opportunities that empower the constituency to become engaged

We are a think tank – we create tools/models that other groups can replicate

Find causes – part of being innovative

In 25 years get to source of causes of slavery

Slavery Map was a crucial early tool for us – people don’t believe that slavery still exists….

Our analysis early on that there was no good data

(state dept talking about slavery map – as an example for documenting trafficking – because they are interested in methods people traffic drugs, guns – and those same networks bring bombs into states – criminal networks – how does the state dept understand criminal networks – looking at NFSC!)

Slavery Map is now an advocacy tool –

Walk into mayor’s office and show them the data of cases of slavery in certain area and let DATA speak for itself

We want to be in a place where we are shaping impact – building programs that address the six main sectors of influence:government, private, business, university, media, volunteer (ngo’s, religious communities, HR agencies) justice system (law enforcement and courts)

Our six programs that shape the six sectors: Justice League, Student Movement, Tip Press (media) Free2Work, Freedom Sunday, Free2Play, Advocacy Days

Int’l Programs – setting up models that others can replicate

SPS tour – equip and empower student movement and grassroots through the tour- work w. regional directors and provide them w. tools

Dave tell’s Cambodia story – building a shelter for those at risk/rescued on the border of Cambpdia and Thailiand – contracted out to a local group that is identified as first in class and manages the shelter (Somali Mam is parent group) –

In conjunction with aftercare, give them job training (move from giving a fish to teaching to fish to giving access to pond to giving them ownership of the pond)

So we build a shelter, and build an apparel factory – training equips them to move into a paying position – they were highly equipped! – for every 6mo/yr they work in the company, they get stock! Ownership of the company. If they leave, they can sell the stock back.

Placement fee for a trained worker is paid to the shelter.

Also building condos. People who work in factory apply to live in condo – and they pay a mortgage! Condo built with donor funds. Mortgage given back to shelter.

Economic model built for sustainable autonomy!

Most shelters fail b/c not sustainable.

NFSC: Creating opportunities not to just be a worker, but a manager, and an owner – and they can walk away w. stock – or sell – with money and own their own house!

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